Art, poems and prose.

Dear Friends,
I hope your May is off to a wonderful start. Here is my new story for you. God bless you always.

I remember those days when I was a little boy. I love the simplicity of life and the joy I found in the little things I had. I remember those days during Easter festival, my father’s house will be filled to the brim, with visitors, friends and well-wishers. 

Easter celebration was among the annual celebration that I love the most, because food and sweet things will be in abundance. We will be tipped well by the visitors when they are about to take their leave and when the elderly ones are gathered in the house, we will be given treats and told to go out to play. It was among the freedom we find then.

We will all head out to play games at the backyard of the house. This was during the time when we had little or no access to the internet due to our parents’ fear of early exposure to the things we are ignorant of.

We will play games of hide and seek. I was the tinniest among them all, even my mother has these fear that I will grow up to be a dwarf in the family. I would play the game, not because I am interested, but because of my little sister that will be angry with me if I don’t play the game. I get caught easily because I don’t know the best hiding place around the house. Sometimes, when I get frustrated, I would feel like crying, because I hate losing.

On this fateful day, I was sitting on the ground in front of the house, looking at the bare earth with a sad face and immediately, I noticed a rustle in the clustered flowers that decorate the front porch. I grinned, and creep stealthily to touch the fellow hiding behind the sweet-smelling flowers. I burst into the midst of the flowers, clearing a path for myself with my bare hands. I was surprised to see it was my younger sister.

Years later, when I looked back, I believe she saw me sitting there, possibly saw my sad face and decided to bring joy and happiness to my face.
I would to say that in every moments we find ourselves, let us always find an avenue to bring joy and happiness to the heart and mind of someone. Let us show others the love we have found in Christ and I pray the heavenly Lord will be our helper in all things, to brighten our face and give us hope of tomorrow.

In God’s love,
© Okunola Peace.