Art, poems and prose.

Life is a sweet and dangerous place to dwell. Don't be ignorant. Life is about understanding, if you don't understand the factors of life that will make your life easier and smooth, you'll live a confusing life. 

I remember when I was ignorant of the ways of the world, it did me little good when I had to learn it the hard way.

The truth of life is in the various things we do and see, but are not cognizant of. Some of them are :

I. Change is constant
Change is a constant factor in life. The world is populated and among this number of people striving and thriving, there are those who will plan to achieve and make impact in life. Nothing remains the same forever on earth, there's new technological, economical, financial, professional, fashion and design advancement every day. The question is, Where do we fit in, in all this? 
Are me making a change and an impact in the life of those that surrounds us. 

II. Learning is ongoing
We grow and learn everyday. No one is an island of knowledge. We learn more about ourselves every day and try to be a better person. We cannot become an adult today and become an ocean of knowledge. We're not built in that way, we are meant to learn and adapt continuously. The question is, How is our process of learning in this world? Do people learn and benefit from our good ways. 

III. Focus on the journey
Do you know your destination? Do you know your dreams? Do you know your purpose? Once you have known the answer to the above questions, you will know the path to walk. 
Focus on the journey, do not be distracted by the guile and wiles of the world. Do not be distracted by the ways of your peers. 

IV . You need to know yourself, believe in yourself and follow your heart.

These are the most important factors that will help you in life. 
You need to know yourself and understand what you are interested in. Do not let the interests of others sway your decisions. You need to believe in yourself, that you can do it, where others have failed. When you are mocked of your apparent decisions, you must believe in yourself and follow your heart. 

V. You need to asses your allies. 
Who are your allies? Who do you walk with? Are their goals in line with yours? Are they an hindrance to your goal? 

Ask yourself this question and the good Lord will be your guide. 

In God's love, 
©Okunola Peace.