This is not just talk. It truly comes from the depth of my heart.

After all this time together with you, my heart still flutters when you walk into a place with that beauty of yours that always banish my worry and brings a smile to my face.

I want to talk to you, walk by your side, dance with you, feel your breath on my face, laugh with you, play with you and hold you in my hands.
You are a flower that always bloom. A burning glow that light my way in the dark.

Thank you for listening to my troubled thoughts. You are the shoulder that I lean on when I am about to fall.

I cannot hide my smile when I think about you. I cannot hide the joy I feel in my heart, even when we are apart.
They say absence makes the heart grows fonder and it is true, for my fondness for you has no bound. I see the future in you, I know I want to be everything to you.

In my youthful eyes, you grow more beautiful and vibrant with every passing hour. There is nothing that will mar your beauty while I draw breath.

You are fair, my queen, like the sun that shines on us from above. The dimples that adorns your cheeks when you smile will tempt the angels. The laugh that burst from your sweet throat is softer than the voices of cherub when they sing holy hymns.

The light that burst from your very being when you eat sweet things that makes the mouth waters will light-up a setting day like there was never darkness.

I love everything about you, your hair that is soft to touch and those curves of yours that you hide beneath those lovely dress of yours.

When you think, always think about me, for I am yours and you are mine.

Fondly as Always,
Your Darling.
From Mr Wole.

©Okunola Peace.