“A natural ability or skill”

Talents are skills deposited into our life before we were born into the world (Exodus 31:3-5). You might have the talents of sound mind or the ability to sing tune with your lovely voice. You might be a genius in writing or have the strength of many men. You might have a natural ability to socialize with people or a superior intellect to read and understand swiftly and perfectly, they become glaring as we grow, mature and adapt to our surroundings. It is possible a person might not discover his/her abilities due to his/her environment and the knowledge he/she is exposed to.

Natural talents are skills that we are born with, they are part of us. They are sometimes dormant, unrecognized and unused until life situation and opportunity brings them to the forefront of our life and we discover the natural capacity and efficiency we have for it.

We all have a purpose to fulfill and the inborn talents the lord has given to us are essential in accomplishing his mandate in life generally. He is the beginning and the end, he knows our purpose so, he has deposited the talents we will need in advance to fulfill his mandate (Ephesians 2:10).

The heart of the lord is drawn to a diligent man who continually work to multiply the talents God has deposited in his life according to the level of what he can handle. God does not give you a talent that is beyond your capability (1 Peter 4:10-11).

Learned abilities are a gift from the Almighty creator. They are as a result of our formal and informal education, they are fruits of what we see, glean and learn from those that are an expert in it.

There is no talents that is a waste, there is just a time and season when the talents will do the work of the father, but you must develop it, because anything you don’t develop will lose its value until it becomes dormant and fails to become significant. All talents given by the lord is meant to do great and mighty things, but it doesn’t happen overnight, it is a process that leads to perfection (Proverbs 22:29). When you work on your talents, recognition might not come early, but it will eventually come. Patience, determination and consistency is needed to abide and when the fulfillment of God’s work finally come, it will be glorious and beyond your imagination.

When you continue to develop the skills the lord has deposited in your life, the light of the lord will shine forth and you will become a beacon that will be seen, valued and cherished for the goodness that spring forth from what you creates.

And remember, whatever you do, whatever you are good at, whatever have been bestowed upon you, never think highly of yourself, and always be humble and meek. Never believe that you have reached the peak, there is always a higher mountain to climb (Romans 12:3-8).

Never take your skills for granted, you’re meant to make it multiply. If you take your skills for granted, you dwindle in its knowledge until it is all but gone. May the good lord help you to recognize your talents, value their rarity and diligently work on them to fulfill his purpose in your life. Amen.

In God’s Love,
Okunola Peace.