We have come home
After a very long time,
With wearied hearts
Burdened with the scenes of war.

We have come home
From the blast of  the enemy's missile
And the pain-ridden eyes of comrades
Who whispered the name of their loved ones
Before they breathe their last breath
With the hope that we will take care of them.

We have come home
To lay wreaths and flowers
On the ornate burial stones
Of the lost and fallen.

We have come home
To gaze at our dear families
And enjoy the comfort of their embrace
For the war was dark and bloody,
Slowly robbing us of the humanity
And purity that made us human.

We have come home
To the hills of our beginning
With the hope that our past dignity
Will be remembered and not forgotten.

We have come home
To find God again
That he may cleanse us
Of the blood that terribly stains us,
Not vividly seen on our hands,
But ethched deep on our blackened hearts.

©Okunola Peace.