It was like every beautiful morning when the body transits from the land of the unconscious to the physical world. Sometimes, the light from the sun filters in through the curtained window and we are compelled to rise from slumber into glorious alertness.

I was tired before sleeping the night before and I was literally dead to the world, if someone had moved me from my position on the bed in my room to another place or area, I might never know because slumber had me in a tight grip and wasn’t ready to let me off the hook easily.

But nature blessed me with her lovely presence that morning and the ray of the sun filtered in through the curtain and shone on my weary body. The ray was so intense that I had to groggily rise from the bed and close the curtains more tightly. Thank God it was Saturday, I had the whole day to myself and I planned on sleeping to my satisfaction.

But remembering that day now, I remember how I was deeply held in the grip of slumber because of how weary I was due to the stress from the previous day and I remembered how the light that filtered in was the only thing that woke me up, not the voices from the neighbors or the noises of a busy community.

There are a lot of people that are comfortable in the shadow of their darkened life and so when light tries to filter into their life, they close up, wary of the nature of the light. Sometimes, wondering if it is too good to be true.

The shadow that people are sometimes comfortable with might be their pain, their hurt, their worries, their mistakes, their fears or their shortcomings and it is very good to be cautious of who to trust.

Open the curtain, the curtain of your life that new light might come in and nudge you out of the weary state you have found yourself. The new light may be new relationships, new skills or new ideas. Be open to them. They may lead you towards what you yearn for most in life.

And looking on the bright side, there is no more worthy light to open yourself to than the light of God. In life, we must always learn to open the curtains of our heart, because it is the only way the light of God can filter in.

In God’s Love,
Okunola Peace.